The start of this blog has taken years, I have been told so many times I needed to start writing about the adventures I take, the situations I come across, basically my life in general and the reality is, I have wanted to. I started a journal on a train in Paris, I have mentally thought out so many different topics, yet I had never just done it. I wondered what should it be about, should I be a travel blogger or a lifestyle blogger, I wrestled with the idea far too long, to the point that I became paralyzed by it and couldn't decide. I mean it needed to be perfect once I started it, right?
The need for perfection halted many attempts to get this up and running and well probably more things in my life than I would like to admit. So here I am now letting that go, after quite a few self help books, exercises, traveling and some debates with myself, I think I have FINALLY gotten to the point of JUST DOING IT! This isn't going to be perfect and if I am writing honestly about myself and the things in my life, well it sure as hell will be far from perfect, I mean it is called the "mis"adventures in Lisaland after all.
So here we are, this blog will not be formatted about anything in particular, it will be about me, my travels, my new recent venture into the dating world, tips and at times just ramblings from head that I need to get out.
So here is a little quick bio about me, I am a just turned 38 year divorced (there will be no ex rants, sorry, it just wasn't meant to be and that doesn't make him a bad person, I actually thank him now for the experience because I wouldn't be who I am now and on this journey without that chapter) female who is venturing out into the dating world for the first time....ahhhhh. I have finally had the cuhones to go on a first date and give it a real effort (there will be a post about it). I love to travel and immerse myself in a new culture each year, honestly I truly have wanderlust and a gypsy heart, if too long goes without a trip I FEEL the urge to get away, reinvent myself, meet new people and just live in the moment. My mantra is to try to make myself a better person each day than I was the day before.
Ok, I think I have rambled enough for now and have given you a small taste of the what some of the upcoming posts may look like. Sit Back, take a drink and enjoy the ride with the misadventures in Lisaland! :)