The last weekend in July, that wonderfully hot and humid weekend where I usually wander to the farm land area in New Jersey in order to partake in the annual Hot Air Ballon Festival was met this year, just like the past 8 or so years prior but with a bit more meaning this go round. You see, every year I go by myself, I enjoy my alone time and this is one thing that in all of these years that I have completely enjoyed solo. I go eat, walk around looking at vendors, get a tarot reading (yea, yea) drink some beer, listen to live music all while enjoying the outdoors before the actual Hot Air Balloons ascend, and then I normally get to capture some pretty damn amazing shots. Sounds like an amazing “me time” right?!
Well this year while embracing this whole get outside of my comfort zone thing that I’m doing, I brought a friend, I was a bit nervous about sharing this experience, will my friend think that this is corny, make fun of me, think I’m lame, you know, those stupid thoughts that we at times allow our minds to wander to. I decided not to care, I mean I cared but I’d get over it, if it just wasn’t their thing, It wasn’t their thing! I mean I was the one that held this weekend sacred to myself every year. So I threw expectations out the window and decided I was just going to enjoy and not worry about any judgements.
I held my breathe as we sat on the grass, enjoyed a beer and listened to Creedence Clearwater Revival play, then i looked over and my friend was enjoying them self! Later as the balloons began to ascend into the colorful sunset, I saw them too light up with excitement as the balloons filled the sky and they partook in the “ohhing and ahhing” as each new ballon rose up. Low and behold my friend had an amazing time, was completely enamored with the event and said they could not wait until next year to do it again. And more importantly I ENJOYED sharing this day! I allowed someone else into my bubble and they didn’t run away screaming and yelling and they too had a great time, who woulda thunk?!?
I am learning more and more each day that the judgments that I thought others had about me are merely all in my head and barriers that I have created on my own. So moral of the story.....just like those balloons floating freely in the air, let yourself go and be free, you just might enjoy it! ;)
Am I supposed to cry reading this? Because I'm balling my eyes out!!!! Many times all those thoughts are only in our heads, the fear of judgement cripples us. "Let yourself go and be free" ❤ u always